Monday, July 26, 2010

The Authors & Artists fair

On Saturday July 24th I attended the Artist’s and Author’s fair at the Wolf Creek Inn in Wolf Creek Oregon. It was an all day event which started at eleven A.M and lasted till eight P.M. I didn’t stay the whole time though as the heat became almost unbearable and the good friend I was sharing the booth with wasn’t going to stay the whole length either. We both left a little after 5:30 PM.

I met some very interesting people throughout the day and gave out three of my eight color printed flyers. One of them was an interesting author who is about eight years older than myself. He took immediate interest in my work when I walked over to see the two books he had on display in paperback. I bought one from he (he offered it for free) but I didn’t feel right taking the book for nothing so I gave him what little change I had in my wallet. I am looking forward to reading his book called “The Savage Life” and I promised I’d give him some feedback. I haven’t sold anymore books yet but I felt it was a very productive day and I wound up giving away more flyers than I thought I would’ve.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The July/Summer/Winter Promotion!

This is a site-wide promotion over at where you can purchase eBooks for a cheaper price through July 31st.

As such, it also applies to my eBook as well!

Dangerous Drop will be selling for this time at the price of $0.99! Just follow this link here:

And enter your coupon code. This would be an excellent time to go Smashwords shopping for eBooks! :)